Thursday, October 13, 2011


Film, 2011, dir. Jonathan Levine

A quick run-down on this movie, which you can still catch in theaters.  (I thought it would be a riot to review something semi-relevant.)

1. I cried for approximately 40 of its modest 100 minutes.  Twice it was like, try not to disturb other theater-goers with awkward noises because you're choking back sobs type-of-crying; the rest of the time it was just gentle tears.  Some happy, some sad.
2. If you have been affected by cancer in some way, there will be at least one moment that you will feel captures the experience profoundly.  Or at least accurately and without too much saccharine music.

They are both super cute, admit it.
3. I loved pretty much every actor/actress in this movie.  Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Seth Rogen, Anna Kendrick, Bryce Dallas Howard, even Anjelica Huston--they were all fabulous.
4. In case you haven't seen the previews, it's about a guy named Adam (Joseph G-L) who gets cancer, and how he and his friend (Rogen), therapist (Kendrick--yeah, interesting role there), girlfriend (Howard), and mother (Huston) all deal with it.
5. It's funny at times (mostly Seth Rogen times) and sweet and sad or some combination of all of the above at others.  It's kind of hard to pick a genre for it.  Perhaps that stupid word "dramedy" would cover it.

In short, I really enjoyed it, and I would recommend it.  I'm not sure I want to see it again anytime soon because I don't always enjoy being drenched in my own tears, but it's one of those ones to put on the "good cry" shelf.  And, for the record, my friend sitting next to me didn't cry at all.  She's brave, I guess.


  1. "that stupid word dramedy" haha I love your review. I haven't seen it. But PS I love you is my good-cry movie.

  2. How was Anna K. as a therapist? She is forever Jessica from Twilight in my mind.. lol

  3. Anna--I've never seen PS I Love You but next time I'm in for a cry I'll look into it :)

    Sash--she was great! I don't know what it is about her but I think she is a really good actress. I think she just captures the way people really talk or something.
